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Performing a simulation

In order to simulate a behavior that has been designed with the Intrepid AU visual tools, one needs to create a project from the Project section in the sidebar on the left of the dashboard. Once the graph implementing the behavior is added to the newly created project, one needs to generate a security token from the navbar in the same section.

It’s time to move to the Intrepid AI Simulator.

./intrepid-sim --help
Usage: intrepid-sim [OPTIONS] [PATH]
--osm <OSM> Generate map from OSM data
--citygen Procedurally generate a city
-f, --freq <FREQ> Simulator frequency (Hz) [default: 60]
--map <MAP> Load map from glTF file
--script <SCRIPT> Run map creation script
--center <CENTER> Coordinates of the center of the map (lat,lon)
-l, --load <LOAD> load plugins from the given file/url
--stable-broadphase use rapier's broadphase instead of custom
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

Basic simulation

The basic behavior simulation can be launched with


Simulating graphs with Python nodes

If a Python node is involved and it has been launched on localhost:9999, the simulation will be performed with a command like

./intrepid-sim --load ws://localhost:9999

Simulating in a procedurally generated world

Finally, if one wants to simulate the behavior in a more realistic and procedurally generated urban environment, one needs to launch a command like below

./intrepid-sim --citygen